關於加入周杰倫 Jay-MS 歌迷組織 / Becoming a Part of Jay-MS
Posted by Soon Tong Chin on
Jay-MS 周杰倫馬來西亞新加坡歌迷組織
JayMS = Jay Chou Malaysia & Singapore 周杰倫馬來西亞新加坡歌迷組織
杰迷都挺你 !
JayMS Vision:
Unite all Jay fans and to let all fans get a fair chance to meet Jay in person!
We hope that everyone always support JayMS!
加入會員福利 / Membership Benefits
JayMS專屬會服 / Exclusive JayMS Member T-Shirt
Among the Firsts to Buy Tickets for Singapore and Malaysia Concerts
- 所有被證實的會員,本歌迷會都會盡全力以最公平與公開的態度對待,讓所有會員都有機會享有本歌迷會所提供的一切福利與優惠。
All members of JayMS will be given a fair chance on benefits offered by JayMS.
The management of JayMS will do their best on providing a transparent platform when giving out benefits. - 預購/購買杰倫商品享有會員折扣。
Discount on Jay Chou merchandises
Interaction and Photo-Taking Opportunities with Jay Chou
Kaspersky Lab 2015 發佈會大合照
Membership Terms and Conditions:
。会员一旦付款成为会员,无论有没有使用了会员特权,就无法要求退款会费。Once payment is made to become a member, regardless of whether the membership privileges have been utilized, no refund of membership fees can be requested.
Participation in Events/Gatherings:
Each event’s charges varies, and members would need to pay on their own expenses if he/she is attending the event.
Members must adhere to all rules and regulations.
Please remember to bring your JayMS member card along for verification when attending any JayMS events.
JayMS member t-shirt will need to be worn at certain events.
Members must comply with the event itinerary and rules set by the organizers or JayMS.
Maintain decorum, follow instructions from administrators, and refrain from disrespectful behavior towards staff.
If any member is unable to attend any gatherings or events, this means that the member opts to give up the said benefits given during that particular event. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Follow the rules:
Images, audio, videos, text, software, or any other materials provided by JayMS are the property rights of JayMS and cannot be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the consent or authorization of JayMS.
If attending events or gatherings organized by JayMS, any photos or videos taken must include the watermark of the photographer and the JayMS logo to protect the rights of both parties.
Membership cards and attire belong to JayMS members and should not be transferred for use by third party.
To respect the interests of JayMS members, please refrain from reselling or purchasing membership attire or membership cards for non-members.
。在活动与聚会中所分发 / 提供的灯牌,手牌,布条或其它应援物品属JayMS财产,必须在活动与聚会结束后归还。
Placards, hand signs, banners, or other support materials distributed/provided during events and gatherings are the property of JayMS and must be returned after the event.
Things prohibited in JayMS
Do not engage in any behavior, actions, or use language that may cause harm to other members or to Jay Chou.
Do not engage in activities that discredit JayMS, individuals found doing so will be warned or have their membership revoked.
Do not engage in buying, selling, marketing, advertising, or fraudulent activities in the name of JayMS without prior consent.
Do not replicate any design assets owned by the JayMS team, including logo designs, attire design concepts, membership card design concepts, banner design concepts, hand sign and placard design concepts, as well as branded merchandise associated with JayMS.
Do not disseminate unconfirmed reports, rumors, event announcements, or product pre-orders in the name of JayMS without official confirmation.
Do not resell JayMS attire or membership cards.
Note: Violation of any of the above rules may result in a warning from JayMS, and severe cases may lead to the termination of membership.
JayMS会員申請詳情 / Member Registration Details
會員申請費用及有效期 / Membership Fees and Validity
- 所有優惠只限於JayMS會員享用,會員不可轉讓給非會員使用。
Membership is not transferrable. - 期限分別為一年制
Membership is valid for one or two years starting from the date payment has been confirmed by JayMS admins - 期限算法如下:
JayMS管理員在2016年1月收到并確認A君的匯款后成為JayMS會員直到 2017年1月(1年)到期
For example :
If JayMS admin received the application form & payment from XYZ on 15th Jan 2016,
the effective date would be from two years from the date of issue – 15th Jan 2016 – 14 Jan 2017.
- 1年 / 1-year: RM138
- *所繳付會員費一概不還發
Membership fee once paid is non-refundable.
Any other Region (Other than Malaysia and Singapore) Please send email to : jayms1979@gmail.com to enquire details
- 選擇1:到期前付費更新會員證,繼續享用本歌迷會所聽過的一切福利與優惠
Option 1: Renew your membership before the expiry date, and continue to enjoy all the listed benefits
***選擇1(付費更新會員)須在會員到期前完成 / Option 1 (Renewal of Membership) has to be done before expiry date - 選擇2:停止更新,將無法再享用本歌迷會所提供的一切福利與優惠 Option 2: Not continue the membership, and membership benefits will no longer be applicable
更新費用 / Renewal Fee
會員卡丟失/ 損壞-Loss/Damage of Membership Card
- 可在Jay-MS網站購買新的一張Jay-MS會員卡。New Membership Card can be purchased through the website
- 遺失或人為損壞補卡費用:RM19.90
A fee of RM19.90 would be charged for replacement of loss/demage of Membership Card
會服丟失/損壞-Loss/Damage of Member T-Shirt
- 會服丟失,損壞時,可在Jay-MS網站購買新的Jay-MS會服
New Member T-Shirt can be purchased through the website - 會服價錢(一件)/ Each Member T-Shirt:RM50
请问如果开放会员名额可否通知? 谢谢
真粉丝 爱杰伦
还有哪位要找cat 2×2
Cat1 -2 有要找的直接私ws0176153389
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